Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Super Bug Walmart

I was just tipped off that Walmart is considering expanding its chains that contain instore health clinics.

"Billy? You say you have diarreah and flu symptoms? Well, let's go finger some more produce, you can sneeze on a bin of Granny Smith's and then we'll head down to aisle fourteen and see a doctor.

Something seems so very, very wrong about shopping for food under the same roof as urine specimens and phlegm-filled patients.

As if I needed another reason to vote for a candidate who supports health care reform. Come on, Hillary! You can do it!


Anonymous said...

I think it was Larry the Cable Guy who said, "put a tittie bar in there and guys would never leave.

Family Adventure said...

How true is that. Yuck!


Moments Of Mom said...

Oh Gosh! I don't even like going to their pharmacy, never mind a doctor in Wal-Mart.

I'm all for health clinics, but they need to be far far away from food...

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Yet another step in Wal-Marts quest to conquer the world.

imbeingheldhostage said...

I hesitate to even take my kids to the doctor's office for fear of them picking up something worse than what we're seeing him for (who's a germaphobe? Me! Me!)
So Walmart is making a BIG mistake. They could lose my business.. oh wait, we don't have Walmarts over here.

Nancy said...

Another reason for me to stay away from there.

I have only been in one Walmart one time and that was one time too many.

I just don't get it. What is the draw?

Anonymous said...

Just where I want to go for my medical care.

Don Mills Diva said...

Pretty soon they will be building condos in there so you never have to leave - scary!

Life As I Know It said...

Another reason I loathe walmart ;)

Magpie said...

Oh yeah, she said coughing and wheezing from the comfort of her own home.

Annie said...

I'm pretty scared already of catching goodness knows what from our local Walmart!

But, sometimes you just have to go there lol!

Jill said...

Ha! I totally agree with you on the Wal-Mart clinic thing. But, regarding Hillary, you might remember she spent 6 years on Wal-Mart's Board. Maybe she'd think they were the perfect place for a free clinic.

Memarie Lane said...

I actually think it's pretty cool. They had those when I was in FL. They don't do urine samples or anything, it's more for if you just have a cold and want some advice but don't want to deal with the whole Dr's office experience.

Di said...

Yuck!!! The phlegm on apples thing really grossed me out!

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder where those Wal-Mart docs would have gone to medical school. Little Armenia?

Madame Queen said...

Ew. That's all I have to say about that.

the dragonfly said...

I would have to agree that Wal-Mart isn't where I'd want to go to the doctor...

Kristi B said...

This is so classic, it kills me. They want to take over the planet!! my hubby, as you know, works in a small town where the Walmart is the predominate source of everything---food, clothing, and household goods, of course, but they also have an optical department, a hair salon, a restaurant and pharmacy---why not a health clinic? Geez. They are seriously going to take over the country and I am moving to Switzerland!

Anonymous said...

Yuck, isn't that store big enough? I really dislike going there, but sometimes, it's the only store to go to in the little town I live in. I really miss the Meijer's of my hometown.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Yummy :)

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Ugh. Not where I'd want to go for quality medical care! I'll bet they have really long lines and poor service---just like the stores!

Molly said...

I wonder how they will find quality doctors to staff the clinics? They treat their regular employees so badly, I can't imagine a good physican choosing to work there.

Mary Beth said...

Just wait til they put in the delivery room!

Tanya93 said...

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Please email me if you are interested and I'll give you more details.

Audubon Ron said...

You are so very right and there is something so very wrong with inclinic Walmart. And to think of the level of caregivers? "Hey you, Granny by the door, yeah you, stop greeting people for a moment and come give this person a shot." I fear disease be already there, however.

Anonymous said...

And just think, this is an employer that has thousands of workers who can't afford to enroll in their own company's health care plan! Kind of makes you wonder if they're trying to make an end-run around that whole can of worms!

Anonymous said...

It's official - Wal-Mart is trying to take over the world.

S said...

thank god i never frequent walmart.


crazymumma said...

And oh you guys south of us need the reform...

insanemommy said...

G-d I hate that store.

Anonymous said...

Yuck guess i can be glad we are walmart - less here