Friday, February 01, 2008

In Praise of Shoes that are not Sensible

Last night I wore a pair of heels to my book club. After a great meeting, we all went outside to get in our cars and drive home.

Our hostess last night lives in a beautiful house in the woods down a long sloped drive. There was a lot of snow, none of which had been tamped down or plowed.

So when one of our girlfriends with front wheel drive got stuck, we all jumped out and pushed her. Were my feet red and freezing? Yes.

Did the heels of my shoes act like ice picks and give me adequate purchase in the snow to help push the car?

Hell yes.


Anonymous said...

Let no one ever tell you that hot shoes are not practical.

I think you have an item to sell to the Choos and Blahniks of the world if you add a little traction.

painted maypole said...

ha ha ha

but how do they look the morning after?

Anonymous said...

Not sensible but very, very practical.

Life As I Know It said...

haha! Heels can be very practical in all sorts of situations...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE heels - I LOVE shoes...I never feel fat in a pair of high heels!

my husband calls my glam ones 'sitting shoes'.

....mmm.....looking forward to the skin improvment, thank you!

Nancy said...

Justification for a new pair of stilettos!

(I'm glad we aren't reading about a fall)

Rima said...

I love that you wore heels to your book club.

I'm going to start wearing them to Trader Joe's and story hour, too.

Beck said...

I have shoes that are ONLY suitable for sitting - and now I'm wildly amused by the image of me trying to push a car in them. Har.

Jennifer said...

Where fashion meets function. Love it. ;)

Kat said...

Hehe. That's awesome! Makes me want to go out and buy a pair of shoes that are not sensible.

Liv said...

thank you for helping me justify the purchase of some delicious, gold stilettos.

Anonymous said...


Molly said...

Amen, I have a pair of black satin high-heeled sandals. I should not wear them, but a girl has to have fun occasionally. I do hope not to be pushing stuck autos in the shoes.

Kristi B said...

That's so funny! because I really felt like the heels of my boots were helpful too!---they dug right into the slippery snow and helped me push harder!
Are you frostbit?

Mrs. G. said...

Sexy and serviceable. I like it. I would pay money for the photo.

the mama bird diaries said...

Heels rock.

Sexy and apparently practical.

Love it.

Karen Jensen said...

Well then. I am convinced.

flutter said...

you are totally my kind of chick

insanemommy said...

Well at least you didn't fall and break you ankle like I did wearing my Paris Hilton Boots!! I break out in a sweat now when it starts snowing. Especially with a rod and 7 pins! You're a better woman than I.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

This should be in the Girl Scout handbook. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo, go heels.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

LOL. All right, I guess ther IS something to be said about heels. I could have used some ice picks to get me up the driveway this morning.

The Ferryman said...

Maybe rescue workers should wear high heels...

Anonymous said...

Being a woman who has never worn heels (shocking, I know), I had no idea they could come in so handy. Perhaps I need to rethink my stance on them.


dawn224 said...

oooo... there's a good selling point!

I haven't been able to wear my cute shoes much this week - rain ... and yuck....

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Didn't you guys run off the road in Mexico too? Hmmmm. . . methinks you may be a chatty bunch? ; )

Marla said...

And more importantly, you looked HOT pushing that car, didn't you?

Lawyer Mama said...

I think I love you.