What a month.
Writing most of a novel (I am still going strong, with maybe a week left of writing before the editing process), a trip back East to visit my friend, Thanksgiving, and all the school/kid/family stuff sandwiched in between.
I have learned something about myself - I am only able to do one "big" thing at a time. The blogging? Pretty big thing. I spend a lot of time at other people's sites, reading, commenting, linking. It's fun, but a part-time job. Then when I ditched it last month to write something else, I was left feeling a lot more fulfilled, but missing my bloggy friends.
As I look ahead to this month, full of parties and appointments and obligations (see pic from first holiday part-ay of the month), I am wondering how some of you manage to do it all and still maintain your blogging ties. Because I am selfish, I know I'll find the time to write. Because I'm a mom, I'll be spray-painting walnut ornaments, volunteering in class, and clapping at dance recitals. But everything else? Hmmmm.
Have a great Monday, the first in the craziest month of the year. As for me, I'm buckling in and getting ready to white knuckle it until January...
EL-A-GANT!! Total Babe!
you are lovely! Happy December :)
(psst, go check my site...)
We neglect things, that's how.
I'll echo your sentiments - I may be able to juggle a lot, but I cannot do everything well all the time. Of some things, the slacking affects me less - piles of laundry, unread magazines, - but others, especially spending great times with my family, are non-negotiable.
(Of course, as I'm writing this, I'm already planning to skip the gym this afternoon to clean house and let the kids get ready for the holiday - even though I could really use the gym time, today it is a lower priority).
I love suburban's response... giggle :)
Suburban Correspondent's got our number...you haven't seen the inside of our homes. Great photo...both look beautifu.
Holy cow you are beautiful! Write away lovey
you know... i'm thinking I need to cut back a bit on my blogging, too. it is just too crazy.
hope you don't leave us forever! ;)
and you do indeed look fantastic!
You look like guests at the Academy Awards...but I'm trying to figure out which of you got the Oscar nod....hmmmmmm.
Black tie ... love it BUT ....
*giggle* what kind of party was it?
When I clicked on the photo to enlarge to see those beautiful earrings, the name of the jpg was amusing =)
Girl, you have got to invite me to some of your parties!
Hey -- congrats on the book.
Email me the pics! (now I know you have them downloaded!)
I'm such a good photographer, aren't I? :-)
oh and I get that bj stands for Bob and Jen, but uh-oh!
LOL - Oh man - I put our initials down and, uh, didn't think too much about it.
Ha ha! That's why we look so relaxed in the photo ;)
Gorgeous photo!
I was feeling SO overwhelmed this month with my 'blogging life'. I kind of dropped out as well for a few weeks. Now, I'm back and trying to catch up a bit, but I also pared back the number of blogs I read in an attempt to gain some control of my life. And, what do I sacrifice to read blogs? Sleep.
Yay! You're back. Glad to hear the writing is going well. I've been cutting back on the blogging a lot lately to try and get back some of my "free" time. Do whatever you have to do to stay sane.
andi from Poot and Cubby
You are so beautiful! Lovely, lovely photo.
Okay if we were all in a room I would punch all you nice flatterers on the arm, yell at you to shut UP! and blush.
I had to spackle the makeup on, but it provided a great canvas for pics.
Really - Clinique compact foundation applied liberally with a wet sponge is the equivilent to drywall. I had severl PMS-y eruptions on the face that night that were totally smoothed over.
God bless makeup.
Way to go on the book!
Look at you pretty Momma!
Go ahead and punch me, I can take it.
I tend to go in blogging waves, but when life gets busy the blog is the first thing to suffer. And I find I really do miss it when I neglect it. I feel so much better when I am spending dedicated time each day writing, whether it be a blog or an article or whatever.
Great pic !
Well I am really trying to keep things simple this month (I know...har dee har freakin' har!) I volunteer in my daughter's kindergarten class and between that and the shopping I have to finish and the baking I figure I'll get through my to do list at 11:59 Christmas Eve. Thankfully things at work are at super super slow speed and I don't have any big projects or I'd probably lose it.
As far as blogging, I keep on writing, but I have really slacked on the commenting. And we just won't talk about what the current state of my house. ;)
Love the beautiful photo!
what a pretty picture!!!
we fake a lot of other things honey
I took a month off and felt guilty every day wondering what I was missing but then got so behind was overwhelmed with where to pick up again. Turns out those who care, wait and those who don't bugger off and find new friends.
Go take a moment you sexy thang.
Beautiful pic of you and your husband! And yeah. Suburban Correspondent has it right. We neglect things. Primarily our houses!
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