Jack still isn't walking.
He is making huge strides (heh) with his "cruising", and even scoots around on the floor now and again. You should also know that he's never crawled. Common enough, I've learned, for kids who were intubated and on oxygen as long as he was.
Most importantly though, he is now totally just "one of the kids" and interacts with everyone like any other 16 month old. He even antagonizes his siblings whenever possible, which shows that he really is one of our kids. He pulls hair, grabs, and shrieks with the best of them. In fact, I am certain I suffer from a shattered eardrum, courtesy of me not getting to the sippy cup quickly enough.
Well-behaved children make me think "hospital switch." My kids are all definitely from the same gene pool. A little shallow, yeah, but with the good toys.
Hi, email me on your load time question....
No worries. My son didn't crawl. He did the what we called the GI Joe crawl. He also didn't start walking until 13 months. Just all of a sudden walked across the room. heheh He also didn't talk much until he was about 3. And also did the loud long "shriek"! He was 4 and 1/2 weeks early, but no complications at birth. He's almost 14 now and doing great! =)
No time for crawling with so many siblings. That boy needs to learn to run...fast...from his sisters. He's cute.
glad to hear you have a similar slowbie. i have a set of 15 month twins. my boy has been walking for about a month but my girl has no desire to. she can climb on t op of tables and back down again, but won't work. maybe you have the stubborn gene in your family too!
Punkin never crawled. She scooted on her butt. It was hilarious to watch, and even funnier when fast-forwarded on the video recorder.
Sweet Pea may have crawled, I can't remember.
I know Buddy crawled.
All of 'em never walked until they were about 15 months old. Lazy slackers. ;)
I have plenty of friends whos kids didn't officially walk until they were between 15 and 19 months old. ALL BOYS.... I wonder if they just don't feel like it....
They figure, "what ever, Mommy will pick me up"
One of mine never crawled either, just scooted - and he was born on his due date without complications...
Your last sentence cracked me up. My younger son shrieks, too. Makes me crazy.
Oh this is so good to hear.
I get so defensice for him when we encounter boys who are much younger and already running around...
O-MY ...such a cute Bro pose!
He'll walk when he's ready ...don't worry. The last never have to walk, they get so doted over =)
Dang they are cute!
So cute. Jack looks just like I remember Jacob at that age... and Jacob... well...wow...he is just so grown up. Hard to believe four and a half years has passed already since I last saw him.
Hmmmm I have no idea whose gene pool our kids come from, but they are sure as hell better than mine!
My son didn't walk until about 16 months and is now just starting to talk at 3 years old. I like to think that it is his way of remaining my (last) baby as long as possible. Although, I think I need to tell him that he can get rid of the diapers now; I really don't need to hold on to that part of babyhood any longer.
I have a shreiker too (oh my ears). My son wasn't much of a crawler either until one day he got up and walked and was off (bypassed it altogethere). :)
My oldest had weird, scuttling sort of crawl. She didn't walk until she was about 14 1/2 to 15 months old. But oh how quickly she learned how to run!
Isn't it funny how aware they are, from such a young age, of whether or not they are part of the gang??
Love the picture.
Is there "the Jack saga" someplace around here? I looked ... I see mentions to his start, but more about his kicking his siblings butt and good good stuff like that :)
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