Here is where you go. But wait! You can win something here, too! Today through Friday if you leave a comment at this post, you will have a chance to win....
1. Two winners will each win skin care products from the Wrinklerexic Suggests files, guaranteed to lift your spirits and maybe even your skin! See, I told you if you left a comment your skin would be taut and poreless! I'll be putting over $50.00 worth of skin care in this adorable bag here:

Brought to you by the good people at Payless Shoes, who will be mailing the bag to each winner. If you want your own, you can always head over to Payless Shoes and get one with a $25.00 purchase for only an additional $5.00...or you can enter and get it here! With lotions and pretty girly stuff to put inside!
Have fun! Good luck!
*****Edited to add: Ten readers who don't win will still get a consolation card from Get in the Car! to include a sample pack of Muddy H2O's fabulous chocolate face mask....visit their site for retail locations where you can buy their organic, luscious products - totally used and approved by yours truly.*****
Fantastic prize! I HAVE to win!!!!! Thanks for a great contest!
Awesome giveaway! And I nosed around your blog a bit. Hilarious. I will be back!
Ooh, my skin needs that.
I was happy with your Aveeno Night Cream recommendation, so I'm in!
Please enter moi...
Please enter me! This sounds great. :D
oooh, cute bag. full of fun stuff! count me in! :)
How CUTE is that bag!?!?!?!?!? And with goodies in it? Even better!
Count me in!
Great giveaway! Hope i win!
Thanks for the chance to win! CUTE bag!
mommykoala (at) live (dot) com
Sounds like some great stuff...and I do love shoes, so the bag is awesome too.
Thanks for the great giveaway...head to mine if you like!
ah crap! there goes my workday!
Oh! I love shoes! Yay! And I've been noticing some wrinkles...BOOO...
oooh i want to win lol
What a great prize!
There is no way I'll be able to go through all those giveaways while I'm at work, as much as I'd love to (especially today!). I'll take whatever you have to give. Thanks!
Adorable bag! I'd love to win.
Great giveaway!
How cute!
Many prizes from you. Thanks.
Great giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner.
What a great idea for a prize. The bag is adorable.
That's so cute! I wanna win it! Thank you for such a fab prize!! Whee!!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I want it!
love2paintfrogs at gmail
Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint my skin by not entering. Sign me up!
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I Love that bag! So cute!!
That was easy! Thanks for sharing.
ps love your writing style!
Cute cute bag....would love to win.
Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
saharagreen at gmail dot com
ooooh! Count me in!
Nice blog, you're very funny. I'd love to win your giveaway, please enter me!
Whoo hoo! Count me in. Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to win, please enter me. That bag is too cute.
This sounds great! Count me in!
That is a really fun giveaway - and I really, really hope I win.
I love, love the bag! I shop payless and have never seen it!
The goodies will be amazing, too. ANd since my birthday is next week, and I will be turning 37, I think I need the taut smooth skin.
This is so great. Who doesn't heart shoes? tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com
That bag is too cute! I'd love to win.
Would love to win. I am also doing a giveaway at Come visit to win an Italian Paper domino pendant.
Oh..please enter me!!
I think I should win this by default because I have been commenting here for a while now and I'm still waiting on the taut, poreless, youthful looking skin you keep promising me!
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!
I would love that cute bag! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Looks great to me! Thanks for the great giveaway!
What an uplifting giveaway, My skin would be blessed to win.
Nice prize. The bag is really cute, too.
Mailing to the UK? Who knows, I'll enter anyway. I had a break out of zits today - I need help.
this wrinkly face needs you!
Moi aussi -- I yub shoes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Very nice! My daughter LOVES shoes. The bag would be perfect for her!
I so need this my wrinkles are out of control
Man, your blog rocks and your giveaway is irresistable!
I'd love to be entered...
Man, your blog rocks and your giveaway is irresistable!
I'd love to be entered...
This would be awesome. Thanks so much!!
Oh, I really would love that bag! I hope I win!
Oh how fun! And who doesn't love shoes or totes loving shoes? ;)
f dot chen at comcast dot net
Wonderful prize. I would love to receive this.
After the day I have had I think I could really use this! Thanks for the giveaway!
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
OMG it's amazing how many people come out of the woodwork when there's something to win. Like me. Ahem. Hey I comment...sometimes. I think I have this year anyway...
Your blog is great! That bag is so cute, and it describes me perfectly! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great giveaway! :D
A bag and good skin? How wonderful! Thank you!
art and nature [at] juno *dot* com
Fun FUN! I love girlie stuff!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
urchiken at gmail dot com
how fun AND cute!!!
I would to win! Thanks
email in profile
I like the idea of having "taut, poreless, and youthful" skin, all right! Thanks for counting me in :-D
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
Great bag, and everyone could loose a few wrinkles, right? thanks for the giveaway! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com
awesome! ( i need a thesaurus)
The bag is adorable and who doesn't need skincare!?
count me in!
Omgosh that is a darling bag!
I'd love to win, if a Canuck can win!!
Great giveaway, thanks!
I love this prize...thank you and please pick me!!
The bag is so appropriate. And the skin could use some work. Alas. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love me a bloggy giveaway!
i TOLD you i was waiting for my taut, poreless and youthful skin... how much longer to I have to wait (particularly since today I noticed a whole bunch of new spots on my cheeks. oh, fabulous sunshine, why dost thou have to be such a cruel lover?)
i want pretty girly stuff!!! great giveaway! thanks!
Great prize! thanks for the giveaway.
love skin stuff -- yeah!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
That's a cute bag. I do love shoes!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Great Prize! I could really use that, I just looking in the mirror last night wondering about Botox!
Awesome! I would love this!
I love lotions and pretty girly stuff!
Great prize. Thanks for the chance.
Count me in. Can't wait.
juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sounds like a great bag full of stuff. I'd love to enter to win! THanks
You are such a funny writer I love "please click on jens add it pays for her birth control" -AWESOME. Have a good one and thanks!
My skin needs some TLC. Thanks for the chance to win!
Banking on the odds I might win :) I love the bag!
Bookmarking your blog - I love your writing!!
jrgeffin *at* yahoo *dot* com
woooooo!! What a fabulous givaway!~
Pick me. 8)
Throw me in the pot. Thanks
Oh the skin care products sound out of this world wonderful!! I need all the help I can get (my skin looks awful these days).
My daughter - the shoe freak at 11 years old (LOL) - would LOVE that tote bag!!!
Thanks for a WONDERFUL giveaway!!!
Nice prize, it would be so perfect for my daughter as she's a shoeaholic, but she'd have to fight me to get it .. lol
Wonderful offer! Thanks for the cahnce to win!!
Count me in. I could use a pick-me-up about now!
Count me in, please!
That bag is too cute!!
Awesome prize.
Woohoo for free stuff!
SO, just by leaving a comment I get better skin? Who Ho!!! (But I still want to win)
Oooooh! I'm in!
Cute bag! I love lotion and girly things!
Sounds like one heck of a contest!
Thank you and have a nice bloggy carnival!
That is so cute & so perfect, love it!
wud luv this
I'd like to enter if you are allowing Canadians
Love the prizes!
I would love to win! Thanks!
I can use this win. I have been riding my harley since the price of gas is so high, but it really takes a tole on my skin. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
i heart your giveaway! thanks! kristen.
great prize
3beez at bellsouth dot net
this is just too cute!!! hahaha that's funny about the comments
lc_intocable at
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love the bag as much as the inside prize. Thanks!
Great prize!! Thank you for the generous giveaway!
Great prize! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Wow! I really need skin care products! I hope I win! Thanks for the giveaway!
I want to be poorless! Thanks for the chacne!
wow this is great! and I do love shoes!
I do love shoes!
Thank you!
ooh...very nice. :)
Did I read chocolate face mask> Are you saying someone was peeking in my window as I made fudge and uh ... tested it ... this afternoon??
Thank you for the great giveaway!
this sounds like a fun giveaway! Thanks!
Sounds like a great prize! I would love to pamper my face with some of that stuff. :) Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com
I DO love shoes! I have a collectible shoe collection with over 200 shoes! Would love this bag! Great giveaway!
Sounds great!
sethandtania at hotmail dot com
That bag is so cute AND you are putting skin care products in it!? What a great giveaway! I would be thrilled to win.
What a terrific prize! I'm hoping I win.
Love the BOGO, and what a great prize from them and you.
cjinhb at msn dot com
Great Prize Hope I win! Thanks!
i'd love to win this! the bag is so cool too.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
Yay! I DO love shoes! And my skin is not yet flawless!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Count me in to win this great giveaway!
Great giveaway! I especially love the bag--too cute!!
Ooooh, this is a nice one! I'm glad I found you in that long, long list of blogs!
Great giveaway and cool bag... thanks so much!
Great prize, my skin would thank you;)
kpuleski at gmail dot com
Yay! I won. For some reason the email on your site isn't recognized by gmail.
Mine is
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