No stories today. An old friend has died.
She was a lovely, lovely young woman when I knew her. We were on dance team together, we were both editors on our school paper so many years ago. She went on to become an oncologist and was killed by the disease she sought to treat in others.
She was 35.
She was my friend a long time ago.
She was a lovely, lovely young woman when I knew her. We were on dance team together, we were both editors on our school paper so many years ago. She went on to become an oncologist and was killed by the disease she sought to treat in others.
She was 35.
She was my friend a long time ago.
Here is an excerpt from her obituary:
From the fall of 2005 until just days before her death she was an active contributor to the youngsurvival.org message board for young woman afflicted with cancer. The comments posted before and after her death speak to the value of her presence to the other women on the board. One said. “I think we all immediately moved towards her post because we knew the tone: always kind, informative, loving, with humor thrown in for good measure. We will truly miss her.” Another said, “I remember posting about a letter someone left me that said “chemo makes tumor spread in MICE,” Melinda replied, “YOU AREN’T A MOUSE.” I read her comment, laughed, turned off my computer and had a great day.”
Rest well, sweet friend.
Thinking of you.
Oh 35. So very young. so sad. I'm so sorry.
Oh how I hate cancer.
So sorry.
God speed....
Jen - I am so sorry - she was so beautiful and so young - too young.
So sorry for you and for her. Cancer sucks.
I am so sorry. She was my age. Frightening.
peace to her. sweet peace.
Oh. Looking at her delighted face, thinking of her being taken from her life so young - awful. I'm so sorry.
Oh, heartbreaking.
cancer sucks.
So sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like an amazing person.
What a beauty.
Celebrate her life ... and keep alive her obviously loved spirit.
I am so sorry Jen, for the loss that you are feeling.
She is beautiful, inside and out.
Oh, so very sorry.
What a beautiful woman, judging not only by the photo, but by what others said about her.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry. It's not fair. At any age, but especially not at 35. The obituary leaves an impression of a very brave woman. I wish the best for those she left behind.
It's as if a part of your youth dies also, when you lose a long-ago friend like that. So sorry.
I'm so sorry. You and your friend and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jen, I am so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.
ARCI Your write it; I read it!
Sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I hate things like this...not only because they're awful, but because there is never a right thing to say.
Wow, I am so sincerely sorry. How terribly tragic.
Oh Jen, I am so sorry. How horrible. I hope you are doing okay. Please let me know if I can help.
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